Bonus Lesson:

The “Change-Maker” mentality.

You have a choice

I lived in undesired cycles for a long time. I loved God, loved my family, but I felt that life was mundane, purposeless, and unfulfilling. I felt stressed, frustrated, disappointed with myself, and just plain stuck.

Once I realized that this was all of my makings – 

  • my thoughts about life 
  • the meaning I gave to my life 
  • how I chose to feel every day 
  • the purposeless living of life
  • the undisciplined and lazy activities I engaged in daily 
  • the terrible eating habits
  • the lack of exercise
  • the negative self-talk
  • my decline in prayer and bible study 
  • & so much more 

– I knew I had to take control.

Here’s the thing, God has so much good for us to experience, but there is one important element that most people forget and that’s the fact that God has also given us… 


Most times we unconsciously choose what we don’t desire because that’s where our attention is, our focus is, our emotion is, and our activity is. We are desperately trying to fight against the things we don’t desire in our lives when we have the power to choose something better and give that all of our focus. 

Redirect your faith and efforts. Choose something greater than the problem and the problem is dismissed. 

You are a steward

You are a steward. No, I’m not saying that Steward is your last name, but your position of responsibility is stewardship.

In simple terms, stewardship is the job of protecting and expanding that which belongs to someone else.

So let’s apply this understanding to you and your life. 

You have been given this opportunity to live this experience called “Life”. You didn’t ask to be here, you were given this experience of living from God.

Everything in your “Life Collective” has been entrusted to you, by God, to supervise and care for, oh yeah, and also improve and make better.

The entire universe belongs to God. We can’t take any of this with us when we leave this earth. He made it and created it all, and chose to share it with us and it is our responsibility to make the most of our lives. God wants to see you thrive and enjoy life. He desires to see you enjoy what he created for you.

He wants you to have amazing relationships, to be infused with health in every cell of your body, to prosper financially and enrich lives all around you, to have mental and emotional wholeness, and to experience unrestricted passion and joy in every moment of your life. But, in the end, this all goes back to God. 

So the big question is, “How have your been managing your life?”

If you don’t feel like you’ve been doing that great, that’s fine. We have all been there. This is why the ability to renew your mind, make new choices, build new beliefs, and take new action is so important!



Transferability is your ability to allow God’s word and those new beliefs to shift our faith, paradigm, and habits, to the point that what we believe, the decisions we make, and the actions we take, produce the results that we desire and the results God desires for us.


  1. God has already blessed us (Eph 1:3). 
  2. We become aware of the life-impact God’s Blessing can have on our lives through reading God’s word. (2 Peter 1:2-4)
  3. Mind Renewal is a must if we want to see transformation in our life and Mind Renewal happens through our meditation on God’s word and the installation of new beliefs about our lives. (Romans 12:2)
  4. Transformation occurs based on our transferability. (Mark 11:22-24)