Lesson 5: Figuring out your “Why”.

by | Renewal Ready Roadmap

Knowing what you want to accomplish and bring transformation to in your life is great because it creates clarity in your mind, but the “what” is not powerful enough to sustain your faith and efforts in producing change.

If you don’t know WHY it’s important to transform your life, when things get challenging, you will always find a reason to bail on your progress. You will never see the fulfillment of what you desire when you don’t have a strong enough purpose for it.

Emotions move us and they influence our behavior. If you don’t feel like doing something no matter how much you want to, there’s a good chance that you probably won’t do it.

But, what if you reminded yourself of WHY you want to do it and WHY not doing it would cost you pain, frustration, or more of the same and WHY doing it would empower you because you know that you are working towards the end goal and this change you desire really matters.

Now, do you feel more like doing it?

Yes! What you did was attached positive emotion and meaning to what you needed to do. That’s the power of having a strong why.

Your “why” is the fuel needed to propel you forward mentally and emotionally. You are breaking free from strong mental programming, beliefs, and habits that don’t want to be disturbed, so you have to become greater than them to overthrow them.

Oh! But there is another level to this…



These two together create the internal environment you need to bring transformation to your life.

Most people have hopes of changing things in their lives, but mere hope is not enough. You have to be fully persuaded and convinced plus have strong faith & conviction of why you MUST change things.


One way that works well is to do a “results contrast” to highlight the pain of not changing and the benefits of changing.


What would you lose? How would your life suffer if you don’t make the change? What has it already cost you?

In contrast, what would you gain? How would your life change for the better? What type of person would you become? What new opportunities would be open for you?

You get to assign meaning to your career, parenting, love relationship, mental well-being, etc; so attach a beautiful, blessed, empowered, enthusiastic, enriched meaning to your life and develop the deep conviction of it happening for you.

Hey! I’m Chad!

I’m into Jesus, personal potential, lifestyle design, nerdy brain stuff, and tying it all together to help people unlock their greatest faith and design their best life.

Replace limiting beliefs with faith-fueled beliefs that renew your mind for success in every area of life.

The Succeeding Life Vision Planner serves as a guide for how you will reshape your life from vision to victory.