Do not be conformed to this world (this age), [fashioned after and adapted to its external, superficial customs], but be transformed (changed) by the [entire] renewal of your mind [by its new ideals and its new attitude], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God, even the thing which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His sight for you]. Romans 12:2 AMPC
Simply put, transformation happens because of renewal. If you want to see transformation in your life, no matter what area of life it is, you must first renew your mind concerning that area of life.
So let’s break this down a little. I love definitions because they help me understand things on a basic level. Let’s look at Mind, Renew, & Transform.
Your thought-life, ideals, attitude, and belief system.
to renovate, a complete change for the better, to make new; to be changed into a new kind of life as opposed to the former corrupt state.
To change into another form
So let’s put this all together.
This means that your thought-life, ideals, attitude, and belief system about the area of life you want to see transformation in must be renovated, changed for the better, and made new if you want to see it changed into a better, healthier, more successful and prosperous form than its current state.
I know that’s a mouthful but read it again to get a good understanding of this because this is a loaded statement of truth that will radically shift everything in your life once you grasp it.
Let’s hit another very important point…
Renewal is your responsibility!
Yes, that means that you have to do something, but was one of the most liberating things about all of this.
If you could not renew your own mind then you would have absolutely no control over your life. You would be at the mercy of whatever beliefs, thoughts, ideas, fears, and doubts drop into your head.
Thank God that He loves us so much that equipped us with the ability to think, choose and change our minds!
Relationship and partnership with God are the first steps to renewal.
The wisdom that you will need to secure to transform the areas of your life to reach its best and highest level of good, will have to come from God.
- God knows how to transform your marriage.
- God knows how to transform your health.
- God knows how to transform your finances.
- God knows how to transform your relationship with your kids.
No matter what needs to change in your life, God knows the best, most successful, direct, and blissful path to transforming any area of your life.
And yes, it is a challenge but it certainly is not impossible, I have done it and you can do it too.
Your first responsibility is to link arms with God, get clear on what you desire for your life and them commit to the process of renewing your mind.
Important Points:
- Transformation is always the result of renewal.
- Renewal is your responsibility.
- Relationship and partnership with God are the first steps to renewal.